With Occhio you can measure

Discover with occhio
Real-world applications
Laboratory, formulation, quality control, production control, research.
Our instruments offer you a multitude of applications in different domains

Protein aggregation

Particle concentration

Shape analysis for dry powders

Shape analysis
for liquid suspension

Emulsion analysis

Particle colour analysis

3D particles characterisation

Special customer development
Are our products right for you?
Ensure that your operation is running as smooth and efficient as possible. Click the link below to quickly get in contact with an Occhio representative who can help you choose the correct instrument and software combination, optimized for your application!
Product range
Liquid dispersion applications
Ipac 1
Protein aggregation measuring instrument from 400nm to 1mm
Ipac 2
Protein aggregation measuring instrument from 300nm to 1mm, with the new microchip cell.
I New I
Ipac 2 with integrated dispensing robotFully automatized procedure for protein aggregation in up to 96 samples!
Product range
Dry dispersion applications
Dry particle dispersion device
500nano XY
From 400nm to mm range, dispersion surface 140mm
I New I
Morpho3DThree dimensional size and shape analysis, from 500µm to 10mm, vibration and automated dispersion
Product range
Occhio Calisto 3D
A proprietary software filled with customizable parameters and methods for comprehensive research and development style applications.
More info about Colisto 3D software
Occhio Granusize
A streamlined, user-friendly software requiring minimal team training or prior experience to rapidly analyze samples for size and shape distributions or sieve correlation.